Training for Civil Servants and Professionals

In the intricate realm of policymaking, continuous training is critical for both civil servants and professionals. This may include policymaking techniques (e.g. regulatory impact assessment, evaluation), specific topics (e.g. ESG reporting) or jurisdictions (e.g. EU policies). At Syntesia Policy and Economics, we offer specialized training programmes designed to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and insights needed to thrive in these areas. Our courses are tailored to address the challenges and opportunities presented by the regulatory environment, ensuring that attendees are well-prepared to contribute to and navigate the complexities of governance and policy implementation

Our training programs are designed to provide an extensive exploration of policymaking and policies, at national, EU and global level. Our knowledge comes from our academic experience and our work practice. We deliver comprehensive content that encompasses the theoretical underpinnings, practical applications, and best practices in these fields. Through a blend of lectures, case studies, interactive workshops, and simulation exercises, participants gain hands-on experience and practical knowledge that can be directly applied to their roles. Our aim is to foster a deep understanding of how to conduct effective RIA, perform impactful evaluations and navigate EU policies, empowering civil servants and professionals to make significant contributions to their organizations and countries.

Training Process

Our training process is characterized by a participant-centred approach, ensuring that the content and delivery methods are aligned with the learning styles and professional needs of the attendees. We start with a needs assessment of the client to tailor our training modules, followed by the deployment of expert trainers with extensive experience in the area. We only teach subjects in which we are real experts and avoid delivering generalist catch-all trainings. Continuous feedback mechanisms are integrated throughout the training duration to adapt the content and approach, maximizing learning outcomes. Post-training support and resources are provided to reinforce learning and encourage the application of new skills in professional contexts.

Why Choose Us?

Choosing Syntesia Policy and Economics for your training needs means accessing a wealth of expertise in RIA, evaluation and EU policies, tailored specifically for civil servants and professionals. Our training programs are designed to enhance capabilities, enrich professional development, and empower participants to make an impact in their fields. 

We have recently carried out trainings on ex ante impact assessment and ex post evaluation, drawing from EU and World Bank best practices and to support to EU Accession Negotiations in the Economic Sector in Albania.

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